Thursday, March 19, 2009



Incidents of Bomb explosions are not new to the people of our country, especially in the case of those states and cities where the use of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) by militants has been a regular feature. We are aware that bombing incidents can occur at any place like railway stations, bus terminals, markets, departmental stores and Government Offices. The basic aim is to cause injuries, create confusion and lower the morale of people.

The availability of Bomb Disposal (BD) squad in a particular area may ease out the problem as far as the disposal of Bombs is concerned. However the actions of neutralization and disposal of Bombs can take place once the BD Squad has been summoned and can reach the location well in time.

In most of the cases, the BD squad gets information regarding the bomb threat after the bomb blast has already taken place. In most of the cases if the information is received in time by the authorities the blasts can be averted and damage to life and property can be reduced.

Hence the task of giving the timely information regarding the presence of any suspicious object rests on the citizen/residents of the area. It is imperative that general awareness is generated in the mind of the public regarding noticing and reporting of suspicious object to the law enforcing agencies.

It is also important to note that mere informing the presence of any suspicious object by the common man is not adequate. The foremost task would be to ensure that the immediate vicinity of the object is vacated by the people so as to reduce the loss of innocent lives in the eventuality of explosion occurring before the Bomb Squad can reach the spot.

Instead of waiting for police to come and do the task, the people available in the area should carry out the following on noticing the suspected object:-

Clearing/evacuating the area.
Screening the object by putting sand bags around it.
Ensure that no one touches or approaches the suspected object.

Awareness of bomb security can be imparted to the masses by educating them on how to get into the habit of looking for suspicious objects and immediately informing the authorities and what sequence of actions they are required to take till arrival of law-enforcing agencies and/or BD Squad. Do’s and Don’ts in the event of a bomb threat would constitute a major point of focus in this awareness program.


Always keep an eye for suspicious object.
Recognize an IED. Never handle an unclaimed object.
Notice your surrounding for anything out of place.
Evacuate all the persons immediately to a safe distance.
Open all windows and doors.
Remove all valuable and hazardous materials like fuel and electronic items.
Place sand bags around the suspected object. The height of sand bags should be
three times the height of suspected object.
Inform the bomb disposal squad.
Inform fire brigade, hospital and ambulance.
Do handle the package alone if you are duty bound to handle the object.


Do not spread rumors.
Do not touch, disturb, and approach the suspected object.
Do not try to submerge the suspicious object in water.
Do not try to open or puncture the suspicious object.
Do not try to be a dead hero.

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